A total of 19 People Who Follow Polbeng Lecturer Program S2

Lecturer Teaching Other Expenses So Goes Up

-As many as 19 people BENGKALIS Polbeng lecturer, currently pursuing courses of study as an effort to spur increased S2 and human resources qualifications of teachers. Some are enrolled at several major universities on the island of Java, Sumatra, and abroad. Even recently, 4 lecturers Polbeng received following the Double Degree program through Indonesia S2 France (DDIP).

Polbeng coupled PNK For Shipbuilding in Kupang NTB

* BENGKALIS (Polbeng) *- Bengkalis Polytechnic, again won the trust of outsiders. If it has always been a trust to repair ships or speedboat speedboat owned Pemkab Bengkalis and a number of shipping agents in Bengkalis, in the near future through Prodi Polbeng Shipping technique will work with State Polytechnic Kupang (PNK) West Nusa Tenggara, to build a shipbuilding fiber in Kupang.

Four People Lecturer Polbeng Indonesia Follow French Double Degree Programme

Milchan: Lecturer Qualification Increase Polbeng

BENGKALIS-A total of 4 people Bengkalis Polytechnic lecturers (Polbeng) who passed the selection, is currently pursuing S2 (master) through Indonesia French Double Degree Programme (DDIP). Lecture system adopted for four semesters (2 years), conducted through the cooperation of the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI), Ministry of Education with the French government. In Indonesia, DIKTI took four leading universities, namely University of Indonesia, Airlangga University, Udayana University, Bogor Institute of Agriculture and as a college organizer (PTP).

Polbeng A Commission visited the UK parliament and Chancellor Karimun

Education World Development Information Sharing

BENGKALIS-Monday (4 / 10) yesterday, Bengkalis Polytechnic (Polbeng) was visited by a member of Commission A group of local council and the Rector of the University of Karimun (UK) Karimun regency. Visit of representatives of the people and leaders of institutions such universities in Karimun, greeted by the Director Polbeng Ir H Muhammad Milchan, Wadir II A Malik, Wadir III Mujiono, the leadership of Mr Prodi, as well as a number of heads Polbeng UPT environment.

A total of 19 People Who Follow Polbeng Lecturer Program S2

Lecturer Teaching Other Expenses So Goes Up
As many as 19 people BENGKALIS Polbeng lecturer, currently pursuing courses of study as an effort to spur increased S2 and human resources qualifications of teachers. Some are enrolled at several major universities on the island of Java, Sumatra, and abroad. Even recently, 4 lecturers Polbeng received following the Double Degree Indonesia Prancis S2  (DDIP).

Herliyan: Bengkalis Must Be Education City

BENGKALIS-existence of a plan to make a Bengkalis Polytechnic State Polytechnic, received the full support of Bengkalis Regent Ir H Herliyan Saleh MSc. Even to achieve this desire, Pemkab Bengkalis, trying to fight for as much as possible.

Herliyan : Bengkalis Harus Jadi Kota Pendidikan

BENGKALIS-Adanya rencana untuk menjadikan Politeknik Bengkalis menjadi Politeknik Negeri, mendapat dukungan penuh bupati Bengkalis Ir H Herliyan Saleh MSc. Bahkan untuk mewujudkan keinginan ini, Pemkab Bengkalis, berupaya akan memperjuangkannya semaksimal mungkin.

Bengkalis Polytechnic Proud to Have

Achievement Through State Harumkan Robot

All components of society-BENGKALIS Bengkalis, should be proud because it has Bengkalis Polytechnic. Imagine, though college is one that is still relatively young in Riau, Bengkalis Polytechnic has been able to carve out various achievements. Among the major achievements that have it the name Bengkalis Riau general and in particular, is through the achievement of a robot who becomes the most beautiful works ever achieved recently.

Jurusan TI Resmikan Mikrotik Academy Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Sabtu (16/9), Jurusan Teknik Informatika menggelar peresmian Mikrotik Academy Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis sekaligus Seminar Teknologi Informasi di ruang Aula Gedung Utama. Dengan mengusung tema; Go IPv6 “Implementasi IPv6 Menggunakan Mikrotik RouterOS”, pembicara yang didatangkan sebagai pemateri adalah Bapak Teddy Yuliswar, seorang trainer bersertifikat dari Mikrotik Indonesia.

Kegiatan yang dimulai pada pukul 8.30 WIB itu diikuti oleh mahasiswa TI, serta peserta undangan dari sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di wilayah Bengkalis dan sekolah Tinggi Teknik (STT) Dumai. Turut hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut ketua jurusan dan dosen TI serta Wakil Direktur Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Kerjasama, Teguh Widodo yang mewakili Direktur.

ketua Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Mansur yang juga merupakan ketua pelaksana dalam laporannya mengungkapkan tema IPv6 dipilih karena meskipun IPv6 bukan hal baru lagi di dunia IT, seminar mengenainya baru pertama kali diadakan di Polbeng. “Kami berharap Bapak Teddy bersedia berbagi ilmu dengan peserta mengenai tema yang kami usung ini,” harap Mansur.

Mikrotik ini merupakan perusahaan ketiga yang bekerjasama dengan Jurusan TI. Sebelumnya, ada CISCO dan Oracle yang juga sudah beberapa kali menggelar seminar dan sertifikasi untuk mahasiswa TI.

Sementara itu, Teguh Widodo yang secara resmi membuka kegiatan tersebut menyampaikan rasa terima kasih kepada pihak Mikrotik yang telah hadir mengisi seminar tersebut. Menurutnya dengan adanya perusahaan yang bekerjasama dengan pihak jurusan, semakin banyak alternatif sertifikasi yang bisa dipilih mahasiswa. (IRM)